Women's Zhong Workshop
October 5, 2024
9:00am – 12:00pm
Category: Women's MinistryWomen’s Zhong Workshop
On Saturday, October 5, 2024, 9:00AM – 12 noon, we will be making Chinese zhong (粽子), a traditional dish of sticky-rice dumplings wrapped in fragrant bamboo leaves. Janice Wong will lead in the instruction, and Iris Wong, wife of Cantonese pastor Rico Wong, will share a word of encouragement. Participants will take home their zhong, as well as enjoy a time of fellowship and a sampling of their culinary creations at the end of the workshop. Cost is $10 for all women 18+. For more information and to register, see us in the East Entrance after first service or email womensministry@lagunabaptist.org. Registration ends September 29. Spaces are limited.